We are a registered charity in Hong Kong. Tax relief receipt will be issued, with donation of more than $100.
- Donation can be bank-in to our HSBC account 499-734598-838. Please send us the bank-in slip for our record.
- If you wish to donate by cheque, please write the cheque payable to “Life Front-Line Limited” and post it to our office. Please remember to write down your Name, Address, Email, and Contact number.
- If you want to support us every month regularly, please fill in the following form and return to us. We will send this to the bank after recording it. Download here
- By Paypal / Credit card (with surcharge)
- By HSBC Payme: 6746 8359 (with surcharge)
- By FPS: 6736 8359 (without surcharge)
- By Payme free method (without surcharge)
- 奉獻請入帳到匯豐銀行:499-734598-838,然後把入 數紙及此表格郵寄/電郵給我們作記錄。
- 我們希望你能以自動轉帳的方式作每月定額奉獻(銀行或會於首次設定時收取$70手續費)。
- Paypal: http://en.lifefrontline.org/index.php/support-us-paypal/ (有手續費)
- HSBC Payme account: 67468359 (有手續費)
- FPS: 6746 8359 (沒有手續費)
- 免費 PAYME 方法: