Terms & Conditions 條款及細則

Terms and Conditions for the program reservations with Life Front-Line Limited (LFL)

生命前線有限公司 預約活動的合約條款

1) Contract 合約

This contract is made between Life Front-Line Ltd (LFL) registered in Hong Kong, the collaborating parties (the Client) and any person(s) or organization(s) (the Participant(s)) enrolling with LFL to take part in any event, voyage, course, training or such other activity conducted by LFL (the “Program”). All bookings are subject to these terms and conditions and it is agreed between the Client/Participant(s) and LFL that these terms and conditions and any contracts between the Client/Participant(s) and LFL arising from the application are construed in accordance with Hong Kong law.

本合約由在香港註冊的生命前有限公司Life Front-Line Ltd (以下簡稱LFL)、合約對方 (以下簡稱客戶) 和任何人或機構 (以下簡稱) 在參與任何由LFL提供的航程、課程、訓練或其他活動 (以下簡稱活動)。所有活動預約均受合約條款約束,並且客戶/參加者 LFL 同意應用這些條款和任何合約均根據香港法律進行詮釋理解。

2) Language 語言

All correspondence, instruction, dealings and contact between the Client/Participant(s) and LFL shall be made or conducted in the English or Chinese language.

客戶/參加者 LFL 之間的所有通信、指示、交易和聯絡均應以英文或中文溝通或進行。

3) Risk Disclaimer 風險免責聲明

No liability is accepted for the Client/Participant(s) personal possessions or vehicles left in the LFL premises; this includes on the marina and onboard vessels used by LFL. No liability is accepted for any injury or death of the Client/Participants whilst in, or on, any of LFL or property used by LFL or whilst embarking or disembarking any vessel used by LFL. All Client/Participants take part in any course at their own risk. The act of signing or submitting or accepting booking for the Program implies that the Client/Participant(s) has understood and accepted the terms and conditions of LFL herein, including the risk disclaimer above and liability as explained in this document.

任何客戶/參加者的個人財產或車輛,如放下或留 LFL 場地或使用的船隻上,LFL絕對不會承擔任何責任;客戶/參加者 LFL LFL 使用的任何財產上、船隻上、登船或上岸時的受傷或死亡意外,LFL絕對不會承擔任何責任。所有客戶/參加者在參加任何活動時,都需要自我承擔所有風險。簽署或提交或接受活動預約的行為,表示客戶/參加者已理解並接受 LFL 的合約條款,包括上述的風險免責聲明和本文件中解釋的責任。

4) Insurance 保險

LFL carries Professional Liability Insurance and Group Accident Insurance (accidental death & specific permanent disablement only).  The Client/Participant(s) agree LFL Insurance Policies are adequate and the Policy is available, on request, for inspection by the Client/Participant(s).

LFL 提供專業責任保險和團體意外保險(祇包括意外死亡和特定永久傷殘)。客戶/參加者同意 LFL 保險已經足夠,因應要求,可以提供保單供客戶/參加者閱覽。

5) Client/Participant(s) Insurance 客戶/參加者保險

The Client/Participant(s) required as an enrolment condition to take out relevant insurance coverage that includes cancellation, injury and medical expenses.


6) Force Majeure 不可抗力

LFL shall not be liable for any expenses incurred due to Force Majeure, including Act of God, weather conditions, strikes, and acts of Government, war or any other occurrence beyond our control.

LFL 絕對不會承擔因不可抗力 (包括天氣條件、罷工和政府行為、戰爭或我們無法控制的任何其他事件) 而產生的任何費用承擔責任。

7) Health 健康

The Client/Participant(s) is required to inform LFL upon booking of any health issues that may affect their suitability for participating in a Program. A crew information form with health declaration must also be completed at the time of enrolment. If there are any changes between completing the health declaration and starting the course, the Client/Participant(s) must inform LFL in writing. LFL accepts no responsibility for the decision of the physical fitness of the  Client/Participant(s) to participate in a Program. If the Client/Participant(s) has any medical problems, it is their responsibility to check with their General Practitioner that it is acceptable for them to join the Program. Client/Participant(s) must ensure that any personal medication is brought to the course.

客戶/參加者必須在參與活動前,通知LFL任何可能影響其適合參與活動的健康問題,同時在報名時必須填妥及提交包括健康申報的船員資料表。如果在完成健康申報表和開始活動之間,有任何健康狀況上的變化,客戶/參加者必須以書面形式通知 LFL客戶/參加者參加活動的身體健康狀況而作出的決定,LFL不會承擔任何責任。如果客戶/參加者有任何醫療問題,他們有責任與他們的醫生確認他們是否可以參加該活動。客戶/參加者在活動時,必須確保帶備必需的個人藥物。

8) Adverse Weather Arrangements 惡劣天氣安排

If Typhoon signal No. 3 or above, red or black rainstorm warning is in force 2 hours before Program gathering time,  Client/Participant(s) do no need to gather at the original time, please contact LFL for the most suitable arrangement. For other situations, including Typhoon signal No. 1, thunderstorm warning, yellow rainstorm warning or monsoon warning, etc., gather as planned.

In the event of Typhoon signal No. 3 or above during the Program, Program will be terminated according to “Termination” section below. If case of adverse weather conditions, including typhoon signal No. 1, red, black rainstorm warning or thunderstorm warning during the voyage, Skipper will adjust voyage depending on the actual situation. 

如3 號或以上颱風訊號,紅色或黑色暴雨警告在活動集合時間前2小時仍然生效,參加者先不需按原定時間集合,請聯絡我們以作最合適安排。其他情況如1號風球、雷暴警告、黃色暴雨警告或強烈季候風等,照常集合。

如在活動中遇上3號或以上颱風訊號,活動將會終止,詳情請參閱以下「終止航程」。如在活動中遇上惡劣天氣包括1號風球、紅色、黑色暴雨警告或雷暴警告等, 船長會按實際天氣情況調節行程。

9) Termination 終止活動

In the event of Typhoon signal No. 3 or above during the Program, Program will be terminated and return to home port. The “Used day(s)” is consumed and no rescheduling is available. A partly sailed day is a Used day. Rescheduling will only applied to the “Unused day(s)”.


10) Refund 退款

No refund is available upon a confirmation. No cancellation from the Client/Participant(s) is accepted, unless agreed with LFL in extra ordinary  circumstances. Extra admin fee will be applied in such case.

一經確認,恕不退款。恕不接受客戶/參加者因單方面取消活動而作出的退款要求,除非在特殊情況下與 LFL 達成恊議。在這種情況下,將會徵收額外行政費用。

11) Cancellation 取消

If, for any reason, LFL is unable to operate a Program, LFL will inform the Client/Participant(s) immediately the knowledge is available with full refund. No liability shall attach itself to LFL beyond the refund of the full fee paid by the Client/Participant(s) or unused portions thereof.

如果出於任何原因,LFL 無法進行活動LFL 將會立即通知客戶/參加者並全額退款。除了客戶/參加者支付的全額費用或其未使用日子的退款外,LFL 將不承擔任何額外責任。

12) Training Vessels 訓練船

LFL uses training vessels that are well maintained, however, if breakages or mechanical failures occur we ask for your patience and understanding that this can be part of boating. Every effort will be made to ensure the vessel is repaired at the earliest opportunity. If this is not possible, an alternative vessel will be made available. LFL shall not be held responsible for any time the Client/Participant(s) feels has been lost, whilst every attempt is made to address any problems that may occur.

LFL 使用優良保養的訓練船,但是,如果發生損毀或機械故障,我們請您耐心等待並理解這情況在出海過程中是有可能發生的。將盡一切努力確保船舶儘早得到修理。如果未能處理的話,將會提供替代船隻。 LFL 不會對任何引致的阻延時間負責,我們將盡一切努力解決可能發生的任何問題。

13) Skipper’s/ Decisions 船長的決定

The Skipper’s decision is final at all times, on any of the LFL’s property and the LFL’s vessels .

船長對 LFL 的任何財產和 LFL 的船隻的決定,在任何時間都是最終決定。

a) From the moment the Skipper steps onboard , in accordance with marine practice, the Skipper’s decisions are final always.

a) 從船長登船的那一刻起,根據海事慣例,船長的決定都是最終決定。

b)  All Client/Participant(s) will accept all orders and decisions given to them by the Skipper at all times whilst onboard the LFL’s vessel or ashore, for the duration of the Program until the Program is complete and the Skipper is no longer onboard the vessel. The Skipper’s authority is total day and night in accordance with Marine Law.

b) 在活動期間,無論在 LFL 的船上或在岸上,所有客戶/參加者都要接受船長向他們發出的所有命令和決定,直至活動完成及船長不再在船上為止。根據海事法,船長的權力是不分晝夜的。

c)  If for any reason whatsoever a Client/Participant(s) does not accept an order from the Skipper or his designated substitute, whether the Client/Participant(s) considers it to be reasonable or not, the Client/Participant(s) shall be considered to be in breach of his Articles of sailing.  The Skipper shall take any action or decision he considers fit for the well-being of the vessel and crew. If the Client/Participant(s) is placed ashore at the nearest port no liability whatsoever shall attach itself to LFL and neither shall the Participant has redress for any expenses or unused portion of the fee. Neither any redress against the Skipper or LFL as a result of actions taken by the Skipper.

c) 如果客戶/參加者因任何原因不接受船長或其指定的替代船長的命令,無論客戶/參加者認為合理與否,客戶/參加者均應被視為違反了航行條款。船長會採取他認為適合船舶和船員福利的任何行動或決定。如果客戶/參加者被放置在最近的港口上岸,LFL 不承擔任何責任,客戶/參加者也無權要求補償任何費用或費用的未使用部分。船長或 LFL亦不會就船長採取的行動提供任何補償

d) The Skipper will make the best attempt to give Client/Participant(s) the most appropriate sea time for the program. However, if in the Skipper’s opinion weather conditions, safety or any other consideration renders it imprudent for the vessel to go to sea then the Skipper’s decision is final.

d) 船長將盡一切努力為客戶/參加者所參與的活動提供最合適的海上時間。但船長若認為航行安全可能基於天氣情況、安全或任何其他考慮下有受到影響,船長擁有最終決定權對海上時間作出調整。

14) Provisioning 供應

Client/Participant(s) will have to bring their own food and drink for all day trips.


15) Alcohol 酒精

LFL shall not be liable for any accidents that occur whilst a Client/Participant(s) is under the influence of alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted while sailing, nor to the Participant under 18 years old.

客戶/參加者在酒精影響下發生的任何事故,LFL不會承擔責任。航行期間不飲酒,18 歲以下的參與者亦不飲酒。

16) Smoking 抽煙

Smoking is not permitted on board any training vessel or in any building used by LFL.

在任何訓練船上或 LFL 使用的任何建築物內都不允許吸煙。

17) Drugs 毒品

Recreational drugs of any kind are strictly forbidden onboard any training vessel or in any property used by LFL. If found, or suspected, the Client/Participant(s) will immediately leave the course and no monies will be refunded, nor any additional expenses reimbursed.

嚴禁在任何訓練船上或 LFL 使用的任何地方中攜帶及服食任何類型的毒品。如果發現或懷疑,客戶/參加者必須立即離開課程,不退還任何款項,也不報銷任何額外支出

18) Personal Identification 個人身份證明

An official means of photographic identification is to be carried by all Client/Participant(s) at all times e.g. HK ID, Passport, etc.


19) Duties Onboard 船上的職責

All Client/Participant(s) will be expected to participate in operational duties of the vessel, including handling of vessel, cooking, cleaning and routine maintenance as required by the staffs.  At the end of the voyage, all Client/Participant(s) will be expected to clean the vessel from stem to stern.


20) Accommodation Onboard 船上住宿

If a Client/Participant(s) has been invited to use a LFL vessel for accommodation during a Program with LFL, rules apply to the arrangement. The accommodation offered is based on the understanding that the vessel will be kept clean, tidy and secure at all times. Gas must be turned off at the main gas supply when not in use. It is strictly forbidden to move the boat. It is not permitted for any other person to be onboard unless permission is gained in advance from the LFL’s  Skipper. The Client/Participant(s) is required to act with duty of care towards the vessel and any LFL property.

如果客戶/參加者 LFL 活動期間被邀請使用 LFL 船隻作為住宿,此規則適用於該安排。提供的住宿的基礎是船隻需時刻保持清潔、整潔和安全。不使用爐具時,必須關閉主氣源處的氣體。嚴禁移動船隻。除非事先獲得 LFL 船長的許可,否則不允許任何其他人上船。客戶/參加者必須對船舶和任何 LFL 財產謹慎處理行事。

21) Breakages,Damages or Missing Equipment 破損、損壞或遺失器材

Please handle LFL equipment or vessel’s equipment with care. Breakages or damages howsoever caused must be immediately notified to the Skipper for safety reasons. Client/Participant(s) shall be liable for any loss or damage to LFL equipment or vessel’s equipment up to and including the first HK$5,000 per item.

請小心使用所有LFL 物品及船舶設備。出於安全原因,無論何種原因造成的破損損壞或遺失,都必須立即通知船長客戶/參加者須對 LFL 物品或船舶設備的任何損失或損壞負責,最高為每件港元$5,000

22) Photography & Video Taking 拍攝及錄影

Photographs and videos will be taken by LFL during the Program. Unless stated otherwise, the Client/Participant(s) might be recorded and such content might be used for possible promotional purposes.

LFL 會在活動進行期間進行拍攝或錄影,客戶/參加者因此有機會而被拍攝 (除非事先提出),而拍攝內容有機會用作宣傳用途。

23) Complaints 投訴

Notice of any complaint should be made to the Skipper at the time of the complaint arising. If the complaint cannot be resolved, then the complaint should be made in writing to the Board of LFL and will be dealt with as a matter of importance.

任何投訴應在投訴發生時通知船長。如果投訴無法解決,則應以書面形式向 LFL 董事會作出投訴,並將作為重要事項予以處理。

24) Dispute 爭議

Any dispute should be brought to the attention of the skipper or LFL’s  Board of Directors at the earliest opportunity to be resolved.  In the event of a dispute not being settled by mutual agreement, it is agreed that this agreement (contract) shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong.  Any dispute arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be submitted to arbitration in Hong Kong in accordance with the rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). The language of the arbitration shall be in English. The tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator appointed in accordance with the rules of the HKIAC.

任何爭議應儘早提請船長或 LFL董事會注意以解決。雙方協商不成的,約定本協議(合同)適用香港法律。因這些條款和條件引起或與之相關的任何爭議應根據香港國際仲裁中心 (HKIAC) 的規則在香港提交仲裁。仲裁語言應為英語。仲裁庭應由一名根據香港國際仲裁中心規則任命的仲裁員組成。

(Last Update: 03/08/2022)