Floating Classroom – Educational Programs

Floating Classroom is the education arm of Life Front-Line  providing educational services since 2008. Floating Classroom uses sail training and creative classroom lessons to help children in difficult family situations and school under achievers develop better self-esteem, a sense of purpose and strong values related to hard work, respect and teamwork.

“飄流教室” (Floating Classroom) 是生命前線帆船事工轄下的服務之一,本著以帆船航海作為培訓元素的理念 (Training Under Sail) ,提供以帆船訓練作為體驗教育的平台,為學校度身訂造適切的訓練課程,培訓領袖及建立團隊。





For details, please visit the Floating Classroom main site:



Project Voyager 航行者計劃

Build a 14-ft sailing dinghy with a group of secondary school students.

由中學生建造一艘 14呎的小型帆船


SAIL Academy 

RC Model sailboat building. To learn floating theory, practical craftsmanship, electronics in one project.

STEM 課程,制作遙控帆船,並學習浮力理論、手作技巧、及電子零件應用。


Sailing Classroom 航海教室

Apply academic knowledge on a real sailboat. Connecting the knowledge to the real world



Racing Club

Help schools to develop a racing club. Let the students to unleash their potentials.
